Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Great Outdoors

Wonder comes from things we often encounter in nature.  The mind begins to think about how simple or complex things can really be.  Often it provides us humans with an opportunity to relish upon our lives, purpose, and its true meanings.

Joy can come from simply watching our children as they explore and learn new things.  This brings happiness and contentment into my life.

  The explainable raises questions which require more in-depth thoughts that are not always due to certain reasons.

The day was one built upon pleasure and satisfaction.  As only a small part of the family participated in an outdoor excursion.  It was truly fun and fulfilling to spend some quality time with just one in nature.  I would call it success!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for...

Today was really just one of those days where it was HOT outside and not a lot to do.  So what does a person do with two girls who don't want to play in the heat, just had lunch, and need something else to make them happy?  

Go to the Dairy Queen is what I did. The best part, I didn't have to pay.  The girls did.  This was a treat!
It's not everyday that your kids offer to pay for something and since I was waiting 
for payday on Friday for any extras, it couldn't get any better than this!

Faribault, MN

This is what I decided I would treat myself to if they were buying.  Yep,the Pecan Mudslide.  My favorite!  

And if you think it was just me and the girls hiding in the house and being lazy, your wrong!  Even our family dog, Tawney figured it was better to be in the house.   She is about as big of a baby in being out in the heat as it gets.  Being a German Shepard, you would think she would have layers of fur and shed like crazy.  Nope, not this pooch.  She is such an indoor doggie, that I don't think she ever gets a winter coat.  I am not complaining because its less hair for me to deal with.  And look at that face......

Monday, June 24, 2013


So I found some motivation to begin cleaning, only I decided to take my cleaning Outdoors.  I figured if I had to do something that required cleaning, I would much rather be outside with the pesky mosquito's than cooped-up inside.  By the looks of things before I began the tackling, I would say they were not much better out there either.  My once beautiful wooded backyard was a complete weed infestation!  Yes, I was slacking just a bit.

Once I got fitted with some mosquito replant and some gloves, it was game on. 

 Two hours into the mess, I finally started seeing progress and results.  Whoo,hoo, I was beginning to feel more motivated! My backyard plants were still alive. It took a lot of pulling and prying, swatting and batting of mosquitoes, and wiping off some sweat, but yes so worth it.

This is what it should look like. 

                      Yippie, the kids will be happy they can play again!  And the dog loves to climb up and slide      down right along side them.
Finally, four and half hours later, it was time to stop for the day.  I felt a sense of relief
that I was able to get something around the house cleaned, even if it was outdoors.
Now just another good couple of hours to go, since I have only covered about half of it, and the yard will be 
ready for approximately eight to ten truck loads of mulch. That would be the perfect job
for the kids.:)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Horse Play

OK, so today I was suppose to be really motivated and get my youngest daughter's room completely cleaned.  Since I like to relax and have a few cups of coffee first, I figured I would plan out in my head where to start.  Well, it is now 3:55 and I have not started yet.  

I did have a few other things that needed to be taken care of also and I seemingly put them first.  Guess you could say I am procrastinating on getting the job done.  The morning started out as cloudy and rainy and now the sun is shinning so it makes it really hard to want to stay in the house and clean.  I am thinking it would be best to wait until another day since I have preoccupied myself with other things.

Looks like rain!!
Not getting her room cleaned was not just my fault.  She thought we should goof around on the computer for a bit.  So we turned on the webcam and had a little fun. Sometimes it is necessary to simply enjoy life and your children while they are young.  The room will still be there tomorrow. 

I find when I take the time to do things for myself and my children the rest that has to be done does not seem like such a chore.  It provides an equilibrium in my life.  It makes me feel satisfied with the simple things and thus in return my children are satisfied too. 

I hope you enjoy viewing our pictures we took together.  I know we had a good time and lots of laughs.


That was too funny!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Keeping Busy

Today was a bit more interesting than my day yesterday, which by the way I never got that chance to sit and see a movie. (Maybe next time.)  While quietly sitting around enjoying my cup of coffee, I received an unexpected call from a few co-workers inviting me out for some second-hand thrift shopping and a small bite to eat. 
Since I has so little time do these things, I jumped all over it and hopped into the shower.  We had a great time simply looking around the thrift store and I even found a few good finds.  Luck for me it was Thursday, and on Thursday's at the Salvation Army all hanging items are 1/2 off.  I ended up with a few things and spent less than $5.00, so I was happy.  Afterwards, we went to the dollar store, got some needed items for one of the gals, and finally grabbed a bite to eat at Subway.  It was nice to get out for a few hours and have some girl time.  I can't wait to do it again.

The other interesting thing today was when my youngest daughter, Mary made the family some early 4th of July marshmallow and fruit kabobs.  She loves doing things for others and helping in the kitchen.  Figured we had all the stuff and why wait until the 4th to enjoy some of it.  They turned our great and she was proud of her work in putting them together in such a nice, orderly fashion.  I was proud too.  

A work in progress

Finally to end my day, I watched my other daughter Katy play a double header of fast-pitch.  She does great, loves the game, and I feel so fortunate I can be there to watch and support her.  Her team will be heading to State tournaments, then off to Nationals this season, so I am certain it will be a busy summer.  I will keep you posted.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Whole-Lot-of-Nothing Today

Today was really just an average day around my house.  Nothing out of the ordinary has happened just yet.  Most of my time was consumed with running errands to the post office, drug store, and delivering some Norwex products a colleague ordered from me.  Speaking of Norwex, if you have not heard of it, I highly suggest checking it out.  Their products are amazing!  They do not require anything more than the use of water to get all your household cleaning done and what I like best is they are environmentally safe.  I never have to worry if my children will get into something toxic or the pets. The biggest perk is it saves hundreds of dollars each year on not buying cleaners, paper towels, and more which can be costly if you have a family to care for.

I am looking forward to having a quiet and relaxing evening at home.  My husband has diligently been working on putting some needed parts on my Yukon for much of the day.  I am grateful he knows how to do  vehicle maintenance and much more because it saves us thousands of dollars.  When I hear others talk about what it has costed them to repair their cars and trucks it shocks me every time.  Sp for now since the kiddos and hubby are busy, I will work on tackling some homework.  Then I think it will be time to relax with some "poppop" (popcorn) and a movie.  Have a good night everyone!