Friday, July 5, 2013

Peeka Seeka

 This is one of my most favorite places to go and be with my family.  The name Peeka Seeka Pines comes from an old Polish song my dad use to sing to us kids.  Years ago my parents bought this wooded lot filled with trees and hopes to retire at someday.  With a lot of sweat and hard work, my dad and mom cut down many trees and built their family a log cabin the old fashioned way.  They wanted to have a place that everyone could enjoy being together at and one that was made with love.

The sign was painted by my mom.
The cabin my parents built.  Although, it has been over 12 years now since the cabin was first built, I think it has to be my most favorite pictures to take while up north.  Seems like each passing year something new grows or changes, similar to our family. 

This is their camper, which is also on the lot which provides extra sleeping spaces.  This is where I set up shop with the girls while up for this weekend.  I could have stayed either in the house or cabin, but because there are also other family members who were also there, I decided to stay there.
Being up north, there is never a moment where there is not something to do, and the best part is I seem to think those who live and getaway here are not in such a hurry. Simply makes it even better.

1 comment:

  1. Such a lovely, and very special, place, Shawna. There are places in the world that we feel most "ourselves," and this seems to be just such a spot.
