Monday, June 24, 2013


So I found some motivation to begin cleaning, only I decided to take my cleaning Outdoors.  I figured if I had to do something that required cleaning, I would much rather be outside with the pesky mosquito's than cooped-up inside.  By the looks of things before I began the tackling, I would say they were not much better out there either.  My once beautiful wooded backyard was a complete weed infestation!  Yes, I was slacking just a bit.

Once I got fitted with some mosquito replant and some gloves, it was game on. 

 Two hours into the mess, I finally started seeing progress and results.  Whoo,hoo, I was beginning to feel more motivated! My backyard plants were still alive. It took a lot of pulling and prying, swatting and batting of mosquitoes, and wiping off some sweat, but yes so worth it.

This is what it should look like. 

                      Yippie, the kids will be happy they can play again!  And the dog loves to climb up and slide      down right along side them.
Finally, four and half hours later, it was time to stop for the day.  I felt a sense of relief
that I was able to get something around the house cleaned, even if it was outdoors.
Now just another good couple of hours to go, since I have only covered about half of it, and the yard will be 
ready for approximately eight to ten truck loads of mulch. That would be the perfect job
for the kids.:)


  1. Props to you for getting motivation to work outside! The mosquitos have been AWFUL lately, so I bet that was not the best! However, from the pictures it does looks awesome! It looks like you have an awesome backyard for your kids to play and it also looks like it could be a very relaxing place as well!

    I have always been one to kill my plants, I am not very good at keeping them alive and I am not sure what I do wrong. I give them water and make sure they get decent sunlight, I hope that curse changes as I get older and own a house and what not.

  2. I'm in agreement with Kassi here-- sometimes outdoor work just seems so daunting that a person doesn't even want to start! Once you're out there, though, I find that there's something about working with your hands in the dirt that is immensely satisfying.

  3. What an improvement! Your pictures look just like my backyard! I tried cleaning it up a little last year and didn't know what to do because the previous homeowner had a garden and let it go before they sold it, so it became my problem.

    I finally got the motivation to get back there and clean out all the old mulch and plants and its almost ready to be seeded for grass. It really does feel great to be outside and once you're done, the feeling of accomplishment is so rewarding to look at what you got done! Enjoy your backyard!
